Monday, March 10, 2008

my girls

my girls
Originally uploaded by laurengulde
Aren't they sweet.

Poor Katherine.

She has no idea what she's in for with this new baby (due in less than 2 weeks - yikes!!) And I still wonder what God is trying to teach me by giving me three daughters. I bet he chuckles at the thought. I understand having a son - what girl doesn't want another boy to adore her? Another cute guy to pick on? But I just hope that God has some plans to help me help these three little ladies turn out alright! Seems like a big task for some reason!


Average Jane Crafter said...

Just so so so so sweet! You will be such a great mom to all these precious girls! You are seriously an angel dropped right from Heaven, so God knows *exactly* what he's doing. Who better to serve as a role model for growing girls? You are the BEST! I'm so excited for you! And how sweet will Jonathan be from having three wonderful sisters!? He'll be every woman's dream husband! ;)

Julia said...

I wouldn't have changed a thing about my childhood experience (3 girls and one boy) - you are such an amazing role model of womanhood and those girls are so tremendously blessed to be a part of your family! I can't wait to meet the newest Gulde!

Elizabeth said...


We are praying for you esp in the next two weeks!! I grew up with two sisters, sisters are great, even if they are a pain sometimes- but aren't brothers, too?

Anyway, you are doing a great job- I am going to have to pick your brain when Ann Marie gets a little older.